The Visron Automated Cage Handling (VACH) system is the fastest machine of its kind, automating cage washing with unmatched speed and efficiency. Designed to reduce labor costs and streamline workflows, it’s fully customizable to fit any space. A single technician can operate it, reducing staffing needs while maintaining high hygiene and safety standards. On the dirty side, it optimizes cage unloading and processing, making it an essential tool for modern lab automation.
with custom-engineered automation solutions.
by up to 90% with our innovative VACH systems.
in your facility with tailored designs.
Visron's Premium offering designed to work with modern tunnel washers that can hold the cages position on the belt during the washing process.
Designed to work with any washer no matter its ability to hold cage position during the washing process.
Economy model primarily designed to replace cage scraping and bedding prioritizing size and price over speed.
Custom designed laboratory accessories and equipment, built to meet laboratory specific needs, maximize efficiency, and intergate automation seamlessly.